Dream big
Det får mig också att sakna en svunnen tid, en tid jag aldrig kan sluta längta tillbaka till. Det är där jag i sinne, själ och hjärta hör hemma. Missy, vad sägs om den där tidsmaskinen? ;-)
God natt allesammans, och hör nu på vad Bogie säger:

The collector <3

Bogie nu är du min ;) <3
Nothing but love
Total jävla kärlek. Finaste någon gjort för mig! LOVE <3
Help me when I need it the most...

Come comfort me in my dreams tonight <3
Worlds best youtube channel <3
Bara njut av dessa konstverk! <3
I'm singing in the rain <3
ÅH! Jag hittade klippet med Clark Gable som sjunger och dansar till Puttin' on the Ritz! Kärlek på det!
Ah! Hej förresten :)
Jag gör en nattupdate, har knappt suttit vid datan idag så det har inte blivit någon update förrän nu och nu ska jag snart slänga mig i säng ;) Men det har ändå inte varit så mycket att skriva om och då finns det ju ingen idé att göra det heller. Imon är det måndag och då vill jag att det ska komma paket i min brevlåda, ok? :D
Annars ska jag ut med papi som ville köpa något till Henrik såhär i efterskott. Så jag hittade något som kunde passa, så vi får se hur det ser ut imon!
Sov gott raringar, det ska jag! :)
Therapy <3
Your voices make me feel so great. You're the foundation of my life, one of the reasons I want to continue breathing. My beautiful missy wrote something wise the other day that made me realize something... I'm longing so much after our oldies, and the wait seem sometimes so long. But for you guys, it's just like a blink of an eye... And in the meantime, we'll just keep on loving you from "down here"
Love you guys so much <3<3<3
Aah, take me back <3
I want to live in a time when you could actually read such advertisements in the newspaper ... <3
<3 <3 <3 Miss you
Last night I missed you so much...
Oh how I wish I could be a part of your life, beautiful man <3
But you are forever in my heart, and someday we'll meet...
Of that I am sure <3
Yayy, love my missy!
Nu kostade den bara 258 sek :'D KÄRLEK PÅ DET <3
Älskar dig så mkt vännen och tack för att du tipsade mig!
Snart nattjobb, så nu ska jag sova!
Peace out!
Up the river <3

How I love you Bogie <3
Dream, dream, dreaam...
I dream about a life in a vast time. I'm malplaced, I don't belong here!
It's me and miss C, we belong back there. Sitting in our cabrio, zipping on a bottle of coke laughing and giggling attracting boys. But we have other guys to date and play with ;D Older and cooler guys, who knows how to treat a lady. We would have rocked! :'D
Oh how I dream!
I love you

So damn beautiful!
I dream of you almost everyday. I could trade it all just to be with you <3<3
Oh darlin'
Jag har haft en så oförskämt vacker helg med världens finaste vän! Hon är guld värd och jag vore tom utan henne <3
Imorrn ska jag handla medicin, mat och tvätta och tanka bilen, det ser vi fram emot. Har levt på väldigt enkel mat den sista veckan nu ;-) Annars är jag trött och glad, solen skiner så vackert och fyller en med glädje! Wow, kanske äntligen en kanonsommar?! I sure hope so ^^
Nu ska jag diska det sista, slurpa i mig det sista av min cherry coke och lyssna på Thådström <3
Peace out!

The collector
Storstadsdjungel (1956)
Eddie Willis
Glenn Griffin
James 'Jim' Carmody
Harry Dawes
Linus Larrabee
Lt. Cmdr. Philip Francis Queeg
Billy Dannreuther
Maj. Jed Webbe
Ed Hutcheson
Charlie Allnut
Harry Smith
Dist. Atty. Martin Ferguson
Dixon Steele
Lt. Col. Matthew "Matt" Brennan
Joseph 'Joe' Barrett
Andrew Morton
Frank McCloud
Vincent Parry
Geoffrey Carroll
Capt. 'Rip' Murdock
Philip Marlowe
Richard Mason
Humphrey Bogart
1944 Att ha och inte ha
Harry 'Steve' Morgan
Jean Matrac
Humprey Bogart
1943/I Sahara
Sgt. Joe Gunn
Lt. Joe Rossi
Rick Blaine
Rick Leland
Joseph 'Duke' Berne
Gloves Donahue
Samuel Spade
Nick Coster
Roy Earle
Paul Fabrini
Jack Buck
Grasselli/Chips Maguire
John Murrell
Chuck Martin
Dr. Maurice Xavier, aka Marshall Quesne
George Hally
Michael O'Leary
Frank Wilson
Whip McCord
Joe Gurney
James Frazier
'Rocks' Valentine
John 'Czar' Martin
Harry Galleon
Deputy Commissioner Mark Braden
Ed Hatch
Doug Quintain
'Baby Face' Martin
Joe 'Red' Kennedy
Turkey Morgan
David Graham
John Phillips
Frank Taylor
Valentine 'Val' Stevens
Hap Stuart
Sherry Scott
'Bugs' Fenner
Duke Mantee
Gar Boni
Jim Leonard
Steve Nash
Valentine Corliss
Jim Watson
Tom Standish
Steve Jordan
39 av 73
Quotes <3
"Acting is experience with something sweet behind it"
"I should never have switched from scotch to martinis." (His last words)
"I came out here with one suit and everybody said I looked like a bum. Twenty years later Marlon Brando came out with only a sweatshirt and the town drooled over him. That shows how much Hollywood has progressed"
"A hotdog at the ballpark is better than a steak at the Ritz"
"I don't approve of the John Waynes and the Gary Coopers saying 'Shucks, I ain't no actor -- I'm just a bridge builder or a gas station attendant.' If they aren't actors, what the hell are they getting paid for? I have respect for my profession. I worked hard at it"
"The only good reason to have money is this: so that you can tell any SOB in the world to go to hell"
"I hate funerals. They aren't for the guy who's dead. They're for the guys who are left alive and enjoy mourning"
"Acting is like sex: you either do it and don't talk about it, or you talk about it and don't do it. That's why I'm always suspicious of people who talk too much about either"
"The only thing you owe the public is a good performance"
"I don't hurt the industry. The industry hurts itself, by making so many lousy movies - as if General Motors deliberately put out a bad car"
"I didn't do anything I've never done before, but when the camera moves in on that Bergman face, and she's saying she loves you, it would make anybody feel romantic" (About Ingrid Bergman)
"I have absolutely no interest in who gets the girl. I don't care. I don't see any reason to spend two hours to see who gets the girl especially since you know who's going to get her from the beginning - usually the actor who gets the most money" (About on screen love)
"I'm not good-looking. I used to be but not any more. Not like Robert Taylor. What I have got is I have character in my face. it's taken an awful lot of late nights and drinking to put it there. When I go to work in a picture, I say, 'Don't take the lines out of my face. Leave them there"
Yeah, and good night!
Godnatt, avslutar dagen med vackra Bogie : )
I just wanna whisper in your ear how much I love you <3